On a nice warm sunny day you can
 also sit outside at tables and chairs.
Here in what was once the mill's grain store is a modern fitted out café. Apart from the usual teas, coffee and cold drinks, there is generally a selection of cakes and biscuits that have been home cooked, using the flour that has been freshly milled within the windmill itself.

Prices are very reasonable also. Where can you buy these days a cup of tea or coffee for £1.00 ?

Apart from a selection of souvenir's of the mill, you can also purchase the freshly milled flower produced in the mill. Great for those of you that like to experiment with bread making.

All guided tours of the windmill start and finish here in the cafe. Having ascended and descended the five floors of the windmill, you will be ready for a drink at least.

All profits from sales here go towards the running and upkeep of the windmill.

Last Updated 16/04/2018