In 1994 discussions took place between the Hall family (the then owners of the Windmill), local campaigners and the Sussex Mills' Group in conjunction with Wealden District Council.
This produced a solution to safeguard the future of the Windmill whereby a charitable trust would be formed and ownership of the Listed Building given over to the Trust for restoration and preservation in perpetuity.

Stone Cross Mill Trust was formed in 1994 and transfer of the ownership of the Windmill was completed in November 1995. Charity Status was granted at the beginning of 1996 and the serious business of fund raising began. Stone Cross Mill Trust is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registered Charity No: 1172798.

Stone Cross Tower Windmill is generally considered to be one of the finest late generation Grade II* listed Windmills to be built in England. It is one of only three tower mills in East and West Sussex retaining all of its original machinery and attracts enthusiasts from all over the country and abroad. The Dutch molinologists call her 'the Old Lady of Stone Cross' and refer to her as 'she'. This windmill is unique in the position it occupies on the high ground to the North of Eastbourne and is visible from many places in the town. So much so that it was marked in the Admiralty charts as a reference point for shipping.

Current members of the trust: Bill Crittenden, Barbara Molog, Peter Bell, Tony Smith, Esther Samuels, Bob Pape, Bob Thomas, John Nelson and Julian Robinson.

You can help to preserve this iconic Grade II* heritage building by becoming a Member of the Windmill (£7 per person, £10.00 per couple, £12.00 for 2 adults and 3 children under 16 per year). This money helps towards the cost of insurance, utilities and on-going maintenance. A newsletter is produced once a year which will keep you up to date on what projects are in hand and future maintenance requirements. It will also give you notice of any forthcoming fund-raising events. You can also join the 100 club at a cost of £12 per year and lucky prize winners are selected every month with a money reward.

Fund-raising is a vital part of the work carried out by volunteers. Although the Windmill has been restored, maintenance is an ever increasing on-going expense if the Mill is to be kept in reasonable condition. This year the Windmill Tower will require painting and this will require the hire of a cherry picker in order to reach the top.

To this end, fund-raising events are held throughout the year in order to keep the Windmill open to the public. Volunteers are always required to assist in the maintenance, helping to guide visitors or serving refreshments. The Windmill relies solely on willing volunteers who give their "spare" time freely to become actively involved. So, if you feel you can spare a little time you will be made very welcome.

To contact us, you can either call into the Windmill on a Sunday afternoon or email us at:  
Fan Tail Stage Pic1

Last Updated 04/03/2019